Information in English
A better way to enoy water
ZERoh!® is a protected trademark.
The body needs regular replenishment of water to have a good fluid balance and function normally. Many people think water is a bit boring in the long run. Adding ZERoh! to your water will turn it into a refreshingly tasteful drink. With our wide range of flavors, you can constantly vary and explore new, exciting flavors made from natural aromas and colours. None of our products contain sugar or calories.
With a carbonation machine you can make your very own soda. You choose the strength of the flavor, and how much carbonation it should contain.
But ZERoh! is not just a choice of good taste. It is also a sustainable choice where you utilize your own fresh tap water. You decide for yourself how much flavor you want. For some, a few drops are enough, while others want an explosion of taste. Many consumers get more than 10 liters of drink from a bottle of ZERoh! The average consumer saves the environment 80-90% of the total transport and packaging burden compared to a product that is distributed and sold ready to drink.
We make the bottles ourselves starting from small "preforms" which we "blow" with warm air and shape into our unique bottle shapes. This reduces the transport burden by as much as 90 % compared to using ready-made bottles that have to be transported from a bottle manufacturer. All our bottles contain recycled plastic, which gives a 67 % lower CO2 footprint than bottles made of new plastic.
Of course, we participate in the Nordic bottle deposit schemes, which are world leading with recovery rates of 88 %-96 %.
We love experimenting with exciting new flavor combinations and are constantly launching new flavors. Follow your grocery store, or on our social media to keep up to date.
With ZERoh! you have the freedom of choice. Over your health, your taste, your carbonation level, your environment and your life. This has made ZERoh! very popular, and more and more consumers across the Nordics are now choosing ZERoh! as their everyday thirst quencher.